Start Learning!

11 Plus Platform
Our Virtual Learning Environment is the ideal way to prepare for the 11 plus from home. Sign up for a free trial today to begin learning with thousands of practice questions.

11 Plus Mocks
Our mock exams are available to sit online and in person. Mocks are essential for helping students to become familiar with the format and content of their actual test.

11 Plus Tuition
Our professional 11 plus tuition courses are available online and in person for years 3, 4 and 5 in all subjects.

11 Plus Shop
Our 11 plus practice materials, including test papers, books, and downloadable e-papers, are available for purchase via our online shop.
What’s New?
New class launches in September
Nunc sagittis, quam non pellentesque pellentesque, ligula neque tempor erat, molestie sollicitudin ipsum lorem sodales augue. Praesent ut…
Eleven Plus Exams Mock Exam Dates Releasing Soon
At Eleven Plus Exams we offer both in-person and online mock exams for GL, CEM and ISEB exam…
Welcome to Eleven Plus Exams’ New Site!
Following a few months of planning we’re excited to finally announce the launch of our brand new website,…
11 Plus Advice & Preparation
The definitive free guide to understanding the 11 plus and the best ways to help your child achieve the school of their dreams.
11 Plus Subjects
The 11 plus exam for state grammar schools consists of papers that will test up to four different disciplines:
Schools & Regions
Information about selective schools in each region, their admissions criteria, places and testings process.
11 Plus Mocks
11 plus mock exams are practice tests designed to simulate the actual 11 plus exam. They help students to become familiar with the format and content of the test.

11 Plus Forum
Join the UK’s largest online 11 plus community – find advice and share your concerns, worries and joys during your 11 plus journey.

11 Plus Shop
Our extensive range of over
800 products, including 11 plus papers, 11 plus books, and downloadable e-papers, available to purchase via our online shop.

11 Plus Platform
Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is the ideal way to prepare from home with thousands of practice questions and explanatory videos. It is designed for success in selective school entrance exams.
11 Plus Tuition
We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality teaching, support and resources to enable all children to perform at their best when sitting their 11 plus or common entrance exams.
About Us
Based in Harrow, North-West London, we provide resources and online and in-person tuition for years 3, 4 and 5 in all subjects.
Advice and Practice Resources
(you can pick just the relevant ones for you)

Things we’re proud of