There are five schools in the Lancashire and Cumbria region, four grammar schools in Lancashire and one in Cumbria. Year 7 places to Lancashire and Cumbria grammar schools are allocated based on student performance in the eleven plus entrance examination, which takes place in September.

Each of the schools organises an open event during the academic year to give students and parents the opportunity to meet staff members and find out more about the admissions process before applying for a place.

The Lancashire grammar schools comply with the admission criteria as set out by the Lancashire Coordinated Scheme for secondary schools. Those applying for a place at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Cumbria should refer to Cumbria County Council.

Forum discussions on this region can be found here.

Recommended Practice Materials for Lancashire and Cumbria

Book suggestions coming soon

Lancashire and Cumbria Schools

Find out more about the schools in Lancashire and Cumbria

For entry in 2022

The Schools Admissions Code, that came into effect in 2012, stated that by law, schools must take all reasonable steps to inform parents of the outcome of tests before the closing deadline for the Common Application form (CAF) on October 31st.


There is only one grammar school in Cumbria – Queen Elizabeth Grammar School.
In 2015, 215 children sat the test
In 2013, 173 children took the test
In 2012, 239 children took the test
In 2011, 218 children took the entrance test

Queen Elizabeth Grammar School – September 2022 entry

PLACES160 in Year 7
CLOSING DATES31st October 2021 for CAF form
Closes – Friday 25th June 2021 by noon. Opens: Monday 3rd May 2021
OPEN DAYTuesday 22nd June 2021, 5:30pm-8:00pm
11+ TEST DATESSaturday 11th September 2021, 8:45am-4:00pm
TEST TYPESVerbal, Non-Verbal and numerical ability in multiple choice.
Children are expected to show competency in skills appropriate to Key Stage 2 English and mathematics and be able to apply these creatively.
They will be tests for which no additional preparation is necessary. The school will not publish any practice papers but a familiarisation booklet will be available on the school website and on request after the closing
date for test applications.
TEST FORMATMultiple Choice
ADMISSIONSQueen Elizabeth Grammar School
Admissions Policy 2022

NEW CEM Practice Materials now available on our online shop

Lancashire Admissions information for 2022 entry

Bacup & Rawtenstall Grammar School (changed from GL) – September 2022 entry

PLACES180 in Year 7
CLOSING DATES31st October 2021 for CAF form
Closes – Tuesday 22nd June 2021 by noon.
11+ TEST DATESSaturday 11th September 2021, 8:45am-4:00pm
TEST TYPESMaths, English, Non-verbal reasoning. 2 papers, one hour each. Each paper containing timed sections of all 3 subjects.
TEST FORMATMultiple Choice
ADMISSIONSBacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School
Admissions Policy 2022

NEW CEM Practice Materials now available on our online shop

Other Lancashire Schools Admissions for 2022 entry

APPLICATIONSRegistration for School application forms
Closing dates:
LGGS: Friday 10th September 2021 by noon
LRGS: Monday 6th September 2021
CRGS: Friday 17th September 2021 by noon
CAF 31st October 2021
11+ TEST DATESSaturday 25th September 2021
TEST TYPESMaths, Verbal Reasoning and English, multiple choice (in that order)
Maths – consists of 50 multiple choice questions, 50 minutes
Verbal Reasoning – 80 multiple choice questions, 50 minutes
English – 56 multiple choice questions, 45 minutes
The English paper consists of two extracts with questions, and more questions testing spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Questions are based on the KS2 syllabus. Sample papers
TEST FORMATMultiple Choice
SCORESPupils must achieve a minimum level in each subject. Children are ranked based on their aggregate scores of the three tests
ADMISSIONSLancashire Council

Schools Information

Clitheroe Royal Grammar SchoolAdmissions Policy 2022Mixed150 places in Year 7Wed 15th September 2021 5.30pm- 7.30pm
Lancaster Girls’ Grammar SchoolAdmissions Policy 2022Girls140 places in Year 7TBC
Lancaster Royal Grammar SchoolAdmissions Policy 2022Boys150 places in Year 7(& 24 boarding)TBC

For information about appropriate practice materials also please visit the Lancashire & Cumbria section of our 11+ Forum.

Information on this page was believed to be correct at the time of writing, but we would not necessarily be aware of subsequent changes unless someone brings them to our attention.
Before acting on any information given here, please verify that it is up to date.

Lancashire & Cumbria Schools

Review detailed information about schools in Lancashire & Cumbria.

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