London Borough of Bromley has two grammar schools; St Olave's Grammar School and Newstead Wood Grammar School.

Many students applying to these schools will also be applying to grammar schools in Bexley and Kent.

Forum discussions on this region can be found here

Recommended Practice Materials for Bromley

Suggested books coming soon.

Bromley Schools

Find out more about the schools in Bromley

The Schools Admissions Code, that came into effect in 2012, stated that by law, schools must take all reasonable steps to inform parents of the outcome of tests before the closing deadline for the Common Application form (CAF) on October 31st.

There are only two grammar schools in the London Borough of Bromley – St. Olaves for boys and Newstead Wood for girls. Many children applying to these schools will also be applying to grammar schools in Bexley and Kent.

St Olave’s Grammar School

St. Olave’s Grammar school offers 124 places for boys only. Girls are admitted to the Sixth Form. Each year up to four additional places may be offered on the basis of academic ability and tenure of a choristership at the Queen’s Chapel of the Savoy.

The first 124 in rank order will be offered places. In the case where aggregate test scores are tied, then an offer will be based on the scores for the maths test.
Boys may sit the entrance test if their eleventh birthday falls between 1st September and 31st August inclusive of the academic year in which the September test is set. If their tenth birthday falls within this period, boys may take the test for entry into the School one academic year early provided a letter of recommendation is received from the Headteacher of their primary school and they are in Year 6 at Primary School.

Applications for places in Year 7 should be made by the due date on the Common Application Form provided by the London Borough of Bromley. In addition a Supplementary Information Form, which can be obtained directly from the school should also be completed.

Admissions Information for September 2023 Entry

PLACES124 boys in year 7
11+ TEST DATESStage 1: Fri 23rd September 2022
Stage 2: Fri 11th November 2022
TEST TYPESStage 1 – The School’s Selective Eligibility Test (SET)
English Comprehension, Mathematics and Logic (Verbal Reasoning, Non-verbal Reasoning)
All questions are multiple choice
Sample Questions For Stage 1 Entrance
Stage 2 – English – 1 hour
(comprehension in multiple choice format and a creative writing exercise/essay);
Equal marks for both sections
See info and Sample Paper
Maths – 1 hour
consists of standard format questions increasing in difficulty. Up to and including level 4 of National Curriculum. However, the questions will test problem solving skills.
See info and Sample Paper
TEST FORMATStage 1 – Multiple Choice
Stage 2 – English: multiple choice
Maths – standard
PASS MARKThe children who pass the first test are invited to take part in the 2nd stage. Scores will be standardised and aggregated The first 124 will be offered a place. In the event of a tie a rank order will be determined using the performance in the Mathematics paper then creative writing and then English multiple choice.
LINKSBromley Admissions Information
St. Olave’s Grammar School
Maths Practice Materials
Verbal Reasoning Practice Materials
Non-Verbal Reasoning Practice Materials

School Information

Olave’s Grammar School
01689 820101
Admissions Policy 2023Boys124Sat 25th June 2022 9am – 1pm

Newstead Wood School

Newstead Wood School (for Girls) became an Academy in April 2011. It offers 168 places in Year 7 and is heavily over-subscribed with around 1010 applications in 2013 and 913 applications in 2012. The school have not published application numbers in recent years.

Applications must be made by completing your Local Authority’s Common Application Form, placing Newstead Wood School for Girls as one of your preferences. Your CAF must be returned to your own Local Authority by the stipulated date. In addition you must also complete Newstead’s Wood School’s own Supplementary Information Form (SIF) available on the schools website. This must be returned to the School by closing date for applications. The SIF should include supporting evidence if required e.g. of PP status. You are advised to return the Supplementary Information Form to Newstead by hand. If you post the form, then only a Guaranteed Delivery Service will be accepted as proof of posting (faxed or emailed forms are not accepted.)

The ‘required standard’ is published in the admissions document each year. In recent years, including 2022, the required standard was 210. Applications will be considered in the following priority Group 1) Looked After Children and previously Looked After Children
whose score in the selection test is higher than or equal to the required standard (no distance limit). Also in this group are Pupil or Forces Premium pupils who equal the required standard but they must live within a nine mile radius of the school. Group 2) Girls whose permanent place of residence is within a 9-mile radius of the school or girls of a member of Newstead Wood staff who has been
employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application to sit the test who live outside a 9-mile radius of the school in rank order. Achieving 210 in this group has not usually been sufficient in recent years and it has usually been a higher score required, hence the reference to rank order.

For those who do not fall into either Group 1 or Group 2 there is a category of those who live outside of the 9 mile radius and are not a LAC or previously a LAC. No offers have been made to this category in past years.

All girls in the first group will be invited to sit the selection tests. The results of these tests will be considered and the applicants placed in rank order and a sufficient number of girls names will be forwarded to the London Borough of Bromley’s Schools Admissions Department who will offer places according to the coordinated admission arrangements until all places have been filled. Girls who fall below the cut-off score will automatically be placed on the reserve list for entry. Parents of these girls may withdraw them from the reserve list if they so wish.

The second group will only be invited to sit the selection tests if places are still available after the initial process. This has not happened to date due to the higher volume of applicants.

Admissions Information for September 2023 entry

CLOSING DATES30th June 2022 by Midnight
31st October 2022 – For CAF form
11+ TEST DATESFriday 23rd September and Saturday 24th September 2022.
(The test will run in a number of sessions throughout the day)
TEST TYPESVerbal Reasoning & Non-Verbal Reasoning, both multiple choice format
TEST FORMATMultiple Choice
11+ TEST RESULTSSent out by post from Monday 11th October 2022
PASS MARKPlaces allocated according to highest score. In the event of a tie, candidates will be ranked according to their Non verbal reasoning score, and if there is still a tie, then according to the highest score in the later sections of the Non Verbal Reasoning paper.
APPEALSRequests for appeal packs must be sent to the school, to be received no later than 28 days after the offer date)
For September 2016 entry, 9 appeals were heard, all 9 were rejected
For September 2013 entry, 8 appeals were heard, all 8 were rejected
LINKSBromley Admissions Information
RECOMMENDED PRACTICE MATERIALSVerbal Reasoning Practice Materials
Non Verbal Reasoning Practice Materials

School Information

Newstead Wood School
Avebury Road,
01689 853626
Admissions Policy 2023#Girls1682nd July 2022

For more information about the content of past papers and for appropriate practice materials please visit the Bexley & Bromley section of our 11+ Forum.

Information on this page was believed to be correct at the time of writing, but we would not necessarily be aware of subsequent changes unless someone brings them to our attention.

Before acting on any information given here, please verify that it is up to date.