Useful Resource for Maths
Many of these resources were contributed by our 11+ Forum member Guest55, to whom we are most grateful.
General resources
- QCA Glossary of Maths vocabulary
- Primary Framework (an outline of the primary curriculum)
- NRICH enrichment resources for Key Stages 2 & 3
- Free Rice is an American website that provides online games across several curriculum subjects, including maths, and the concept of donating a grain of rice for every correct answer has huge appeal for children. (N.B. If using it for English practice an adult should spend a few minutes working with the child when they first use the website to point out the variations between US and English spelling, such as the different use of the letter s and z “familiarisation” vs. “familiarization” and the lack of the letter “u” in words such as “favour” and “favor”.)
- There are a number of useful revision aids for Maths in our Free 11 Plus Practice Papers section.
Key Stage 2 Maths (Years 3-6)
- The Primary Maths Challenge is a national competition for the top 40 percent of children at primary schools. You can download the most recent test paper from the website.
- Emaths KS2 test papers & mark schemes
- The BBC KS2 Bitesize maths website features a good range of maths materials to reinforce basic skills.
Key Stage 3 Maths (Year 7 and beyond)
Some of these resources may be helpful in stretching a more able Key Stage 2 child.
- The UKMT Mathematics Challenge is a national competition aimed at the top 40 percent of the ability range. High scorers qualify for further rounds.
- Emaths KS3 tests
- NRICH enrichment resources for Key Stages KS3